News & Guides | Homewise

Homewise Proud to Partner with Older People's Festival | Homewise

Written by Jenny | Tue, Sep 6, '16

We’re delighted to be able to announce that we’re proud partners of the first ever Brighton and Hove Older People’s Festival (OPF), a full two weeks of events and celebrations set up by local charity Impact Initiatives specifically for people aged over fifty.


The festival aims to celebrate the diversity of lifestyles and experiences of Brighton’s over fifties population and includes a fortnight full of varied and exciting events.


From cyber security workshops and Facebook classes to magic school and Northern Soul nights, there are plenty of opportunities to try something new and meet someone new.


Here at Homewise, we spend every day helping people over sixty move home, one of the biggest and most stressful decisions you can make at any point in your life. Through our day to day work, we have a heightened awareness of the social, economic and personal issues that affect our local older population, and it’s becoming increasingly obvious that those characteristics are changing.


People no longer want to sit still and retire. They want to live life to its absolute fullest and take advantage of the free time that growing older provides by filling it with new challenges, new people, and new adventures.


Each year, we commit to helping several charities that have particular meaning to us here. This year, we’ve already climbed Snowdon for Mind and continue to raise money for St. Barnabas House, a hospice based just down the road in Worthing. The Brighton and Hove Older People’s Festival is a fantastic, joyous event and one that we are incredibly pleased to be supporting.


For a full list of events or more information on this year's festival visit the OPF website.

Psst.. Read all about the Older People's Festival 2017 and our involvement in our blog!