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Introducing Exercise Into Your Retirement | Homewise

Written by Rachel | Wed, Apr 3, '24

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), regular exercise is a recommended (and advised) way to keep healthy and keep many illnesses at bay. If you're over 60 and headed into retirement, additional routines are suggested to help enhance your functional capacity and prevent falls.

Whatever the time of year, whether it's raining or beautifully sunny, there are many different forms of exercise to choose from. Whether you enjoy a leisurely hike or are a fan of wild swimming, there are plenty of options.

Being active in retirement is the best way to increase energy levels, increase your bone density as well as improve your balance, posture and flexibility. With numerous ways to keep fit in retirement, do you know where to start?



Whether your goal is to improve your health, get stronger, or you're just searching for a new hobby or a way to meet people, these 4 easy ways to introduce exercise into your daily routine may help to inspire you today.


Introduce daily stretches

Your body will thank you if you make stretching part of your daily routine. Stretching not only helps to increase your flexibility, but can also increase your blood flow, reduce muscle tension, help your balance and improve your posture. Introducing stretches into your routine could help increase your energy and aid the release of ‘feel good’ endorphins, which may improve your mood.

Not sure where to begin? By simply stretching towards your toes, even touching them if possible, you could help strengthen your back muscles, and rotating your ankles may improve your balance. If you don't want to go to a class at your local community centre or gym then there are plenty of resources online offering demonstrations of stretching exercises to add to your daily routine, including this 25-minute workout on YouTube from SeniorShape Fitness, which shows exercises from both sitting and standing positions!


Swim for fitness or fun

Exercising in water is a great way to build up strength, especially for those with mobility and joint health issues. Plus, as swimming is considered a low impact activity, there is less risk of injury than with many other recommended workouts (such as aerobics and jogging). Are you a strong swimmer? You may enjoy swimming laps or even taking a dip down your local beach in warmer months.

If you’re swimming for fun as well as fitness, water aerobics is a popular way to exercise in water and can also be a great way to socialise. Water aerobics may also help to increase flexibility and strength, improve heart and lung function, increase balance and can give you a sense of accomplishment! Thanks to the water you aren't putting as much pressure on your joints which can make it easier if you have any difficulties with flexibility.

Regular swimming can offer many health benefits including increased flexibility, improved muscle strength, boosted mood, increased brain function and a healthier and stronger heart. Whether you are swimming for fitness or for a bit of fun, you’ll be sure to enjoy the rewards of introducing this exercise into your retirement.

Are you feeling a little adventurous or needing motivation to try something new? These 5 unusual ways to keep fit in your retirement could inspire you to begin a new hobby this summer!



Go for a walk

Did you know that May is considered National Walking Month? But no matter what month it is, you can enjoy a good stroll any time of year.

Walking is free, simple and the easiest exercise to fit into your daily life. A brisk walk can help to build stamina, tone your legs, burn calories and boost your energy.

Try these 4 simple ways to introduce walking into your routine:

  1. Meet up with a friend and go for a walk together

  2. Take your pets on a brisk walk once or twice a day

  3. When you go out, try walking to your destination

  4. Go for a walk with your family and use the time to catch up on recent events

Walking doesn’t have to be limited to just a casual stroll, walking sports such as walking football and walking netball are quickly gaining popularity. Walking sports are designed so that anybody can play, no matter what your fitness level is. Plus, these sports can be a great way to socialise in your retirement and make new friends.


Get out in the garden

Whether you’re pushing the lawn mower or planting trees and shrubs, gardening not only benefits your physical health but your mental health too.

Gardening in your retirement can increase strength and hand dexterity, reduce the risk of a heart attack, and boost your mood. Plus, with summer approaching, creating an evening garden could be the perfect first project to introducing exercise into your retirement, and it’ll offer you the opportunity to entertain friends and family in your outside space.

Is your outdoor space limited? Why not bring the outdoors in and start your own indoor garden? Creating your own indoor garden can be a fun project at any time of year, and you’d still enjoy the health benefits of gardening as well as the benefits from the plants themselves.


There are many ways to introduce exercise into your retirement, but it is important to choose exercises that are right for you and introduce exercises you can enjoy to be sure you’ll keep up the routine.

You can also visit the Age UK website for helpful information and advice on staying physically active, safely, as you get older.

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